- Nov 2023: The program is now available.
- Oct 2023: Registration is open. Deadline for oral contributions: Nov 1st 2023.
- Sep 2023: The MSQM 2024 website is up and running!
The GDR NBODY - problème quantique à N corps en chimie et physique - created in 2019, is a research network that aims to bring together the community working on the quantum N-body problem, mostly from the viewpoint of quantum chemistry, but also including the viewpoints of condensed-matter physics, nuclear physics, and mathematics. The idea is to foster the development of new computational methods in quantum mechanics, the transfer of these methods from one discipline to another, and their efficient computer implementations.

The MSQM Workshop
Model systems in quantum mechanics that are exactly or almost exactly solvable (such as 1D and lattice models) are important for the understanding and development of computational methods. This workshop aims to describe some of these models used in quantum chemistry, condensed matter physics, and nuclear physics. The workshop will include both pedagogical and research talks.
Examples of topics covered:
- Dimer and periodic Hubbard models
- Models of fermions on spheres
- Hooke’s atomic model
- One-point model
- 1D Dirac-delta interaction model
- 1D time-dependent models
- Electron-boson models
- nuclear-physics models (Lipkin, …)
- …
Registration is open. Please, email to register and submit your title and abstract if you would like to contribute (30min talks & posters are available). There is no registration fee. Deadline for contributions: Nov 1st 2023.
Due to budget limitations, the number of participants is limited to 50 (lunches and coffee breaks will be provided). Quick fingers first!
List of Participants
- Thomas Duguet (CEA, Saclay, organiser)
- Mi-Song Dupuy (LJLL, Paris, organiser)
- Emmanuel Fromager (LCQ, Strasbourg, organiser)
- Pierre-Francois Loos (LCPQ, Toulouse, organiser)
- Eleonora Luppi (LCT, Paris, organiser)
- Pina Romaniello (LPT, Toulouse, organiser)
- Julien Toulouse (LCT, Paris, organiser)
- Vitaly Gorelov (LSI, Palaiseau)
- Antoine Levitt (LMO, Orsay)
- Michel Caffarel (LCPQ, Toulouse)
- Peter Gill (USyd, Sydney)
- Arjan Berger (LCPQ, Toulouse)
- Eric Cancès (CERMICS, Paris)
- Timothee Audinet (LCT, Jussieu)
- Antoine Marie (LCPQ, Toulouse)
- Yann Damour (LCPQ, Toulouse)
- Jean-Paul Malrieu (LCPQ, Toulouse)
- Antoine Roux (CEA, Saclay)
- Pepijn Demol (KU, Leuven)
- Cyril Martins (LCPQ, Toulouse)
- Leo Gaspard (LCPQ, Toulouse)
- Umberto Morellini (CEREMADE, Paris)
- Samuel Aychet-Claisse (CEA, Saclay)
- Rajarshi Sinha Roy (ILM, Lyon)
- Abdallah Ammar (LCPQ, Toulouse)
- Cesar Feniou (QUBIT-P, Paris)
- Eloise Letournel (ENPC, Paris)
- Ewen Lallinec (LMO, Orsay)
- Diata Traore (LCT, Paris)
- Nicolas Laflorencie (LPT, Toulouse)
- Jack Thomas (LMO, Orsay)
- Stefano Paggi (LPT, Toulouse)
- Alexander Tichai (TU, Darmstadt)
- Denis Lacroix (IN2P3, Orsay)
- Alfred Kirsch (CERMICS, Paris)
- Solal Perrin-Roussel (CERMICS, Paris)
- Jeremy Morere (LPCT, Nancy)
- Bertin Many (LAUM, Le Mans)
- Bruno Senjean (ICGM, Montpellier)
- Gaspard Kemlin (LAMFA, Amiens)
- David Gontier (CEREMADE, Paris)
- Matthieu Saubanère (ICGM, Montpellier)
- Maria Hellgren (IMPMC, Paris)
- Emmanuel Giner (LCT, Paris)
- Mauricio Rodríguez-Mayorga (Neel Institute, Grenoble)
- Aleksandra Petkovic (LPT, Toulouse)
- Lucia Reining (LSI, Palaiseau)
- Marie Labeye (ENS, Paris)

The conference will be held in the FERMI seminar room (Building 3R1b4) on the campus of the Universite Paul Sabatier. Exact location here.