People funded by the ERC
CNRS senior researcher (Laboratoire de Chimie et Physique Quantiques, Toulouse, France)
P.-F. Loos (aka Titou) received his Ph.D. in Computational and Theoretical Chemistry from the Université Henri Poincaré (Nancy, France) in 2008. From 2009 to 2013, He was undertaking postdoctoral research with Peter M.W. Gill at the Australian National University (ANU). From 2013 to 2017, he was a "Discovery Early Career Researcher Award" recipient and, then, a senior lecturer at the ANU. Since 2017, he holds a researcher position from the "Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique" (CNRS) at the
Laboratoire de Chimie et Physique Quantiques in Toulouse (France), and was awarded, in 2019, an ERC consolidator grant for the development of new excited-state methodologies
CNRS senior researcher (Laboratoire de Chimie et Physique Quantiques, Toulouse, France)
M. Caffarel received his Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics and Chemistry from the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris, France) in 1987, before moving to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign for a two-year postdoctoral stay in the group of Prof. David Ceperley. He is currently working as a senior scientist at the "Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique" (CNRS) at the Laboratoire de Chimie et Physique Quantiques in Toulouse (France). His research is mainly focused on the development and application of quantum Monte Carlo methods for theoretical chemistry and condensed-mater physics.
CNRS research engineer (Laboratoire de Chimie et Physique Quantiques, Toulouse, France)
A. Scemama received his Ph.D. in Computational and Theoretical Chemistry from the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris, France) in 2004. He then moved to the Netherlands for a one-year postdoctoral stay in the group of Claudia Filippi, and came back in France for another year in the group of Eric Cancès. In 2006, he obtained a Research Engineer position from the "Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique" (CNRS) at the Laboratoire de Chimie et Physique Quantiques in Toulouse
(France) to work on computational methods and high-performance computing for quantum chemistry. He was awarded the Crystal medal of the CNRS in 2019.
Postdoc, ERC (2024-2025)
PhD Student, ERC (2021-2024)
PhD Student, ERC (2022-2025)
Previous members
Postdoc, ERC (2020-2024)
Postdoc, ERC (2022-2023)
Postdoc, ERC (2023)
PhD Student, ERC (2020-2023)
- Hugh Burton
Research Fellow (University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK)
- Denis Jacquemin
Professor (University of Nantes, Nantes, France)
- Xavier Blase
CNRS senior researcher (NEEL Institute, Grenoble, France)
- Martial Boggio-Pasqua
CNRS senior researcher (Laboratoire de Chimie et Physique Quantiques, Toulouse, France)
- Pina Romaniello
CNRS senior researcher (Laboratoire de Physique Théorique, Toulouse, France)
- Arjan Berger
Associate professor (Laboratoire de Chimie et Physique Quantiques, Toulouse, France)
- Paola Gori-Giorgi
Professor (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Netherland)