- Sep 2024: The list of invited speakers is complete.
- Apr 2024: The workshop’s website is officially up and running!
Electronic structure theory has developed in many directions in recent years and a large number of new emerging methods have been developed to compute accurately excited-state energies and properties at an affordable cost.
Processes related to electronically excited states are central in chemistry, physics, and biology, playing a key role in ubiquitous processes such as photochemistry, catalysis, and solar cell technology. However, defining an effective method that reliably provides accurate excited-state energies in every scenario remains a major challenge in theoretical chemistry. In this workshop, we aim to discuss novel approaches to obtain excited-state energies and wave functions in molecular systems and solids.
The website of the first edition can be found here.
This workshop has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant agreement No. 863481).
- Timothy Berkelbach (Columbia U, US)
- Fabien Bruneval (CEA, France)
- Hugh Burton (Cambridge, UK)
- Eric Cances (Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, France)
- Eugene De Prince (Florida State U, US)
- Thomas Duget (CEA, France)
- Janus Eriksen (DTU, Denmark)
- Fabian Faulstich (Rensselaer, US)
- Arno Forster (Vrije U, Netherlands)
- Sara Giarrusso (Paris-Saclay U, France)
- Dorothea Golze (U Dresden, Germany)
- Andreas Gruneis (TU Wien, Austria)
- Trygve Helgaker (U of Oslo, Norway)
- Thomas Henderson (Rice U, US)
- Ida-Marie Høyvik (Norwegian U, Norway)
- Andre Laestadius (OsloMet, Norway)
- Michal Lesiuk (Warsaw U, Poland)
- Susi Lehtola (U of Helsinki, Finland)
- Mathieu Lewin (U Paris Dauphine, France)
- Chenyang Li (Beijing Normal U, China)
- Filippo Lipparini (U of Pisa, Italy)
- Nick Mayhall (Virginia Tech, US)
- Jannes Nys (EPFL, Switzerland)
- Elisa Rebolini (Institut Laue Langevin, France)
- Gustavo Scuseria (Rice U, US)
- Bruno Senjean (U of Montpellier, France)
- James Shee (Rice U, US)
- Stella Stopkowicz (U of Saarlandes, Germany)
- Johannes Toelle (U of Muenster, Germany)
- Vojtečh Vlcěk (UC Santa Barbara, US)
- Stefan Vuckovic (U of Freiburg, Switzerland)
- Saad Yalouz (U of Strasbourg, France)
- Dominika Zgid (U of Michigan, US)