List of participants
- Josep Alberola
- Fabien Bruneval
- Loris Burth
- Hugh Burton
- Eric Cances
- Eugene De Prince
- Thomas Duget
- Janus Eriksen
- Fabian Faulstich
- Arno Forster
- Sara Giarrusso
- Emmanuel Giner
- Dorothea Golze
- Jonas Greiner
- Andreas Gruneis
- Trygve Helgaker
- Thomas Henderson
- Ida-Marie Høyvik
- Jannis Kockläuner
- Marios-Petros Kitsaras
- Fabris Kossoski
- Andre Laestadius
- Nicholas Lee
- Susi Lehtola
- Michal Lesiuk
- Mathieu Lewin
- Chenyang Li
- Filippo Lippaniri
- Antoine Marie
- Nick Mayhall
- Carlos Mejuto-Zaera
- Piotr Michalak
- Enzo Monino
- Jannes Nys
- Tommaso Nottoli
- Mattéo Peria
- Thomas Plaikner
- Raul Quintero-Monsebaiz
- Mauricio Rodríguez-Mayorga
- Bruno Senjean
- James Shee
- Stella Stopkowicz
- Johannes Toelle
- Vojtečh Vlcěk
- Stefan Vuckovic
- Saad Yalouz
- Dominika Zgid
Local organizers
The present workshop is organized by members of the Laboratoire de Chimie et Physique Quantiques (Toulouse, France) as part of the ERC PTEROSOR project:
- Pierre-Francois Loos
- Amandine Laurent
- Anthony Scemama
- Michel Caffarel